Hebrews 12:2

My Daddy is Love.
He is Loving. He is Gentle. He is Kind. He is Patient.
My Daddy is Powerful.
He is Mighty. He is Strong. He is King.
He is as gentle as a lamb and as strong as a lion. :)

He knows my every thought, my every desire.
He guides my every step.
He wipes away every tear.
He is here for me, no matter how much I may fail.

I look into those eyes and place my head against his chest, hearing the rhythm of his heart beat to mine. I look into those deep blue eyes once more and in a sweet whisper, He says..."My heart beats for you."

Like my best friend, (Justin McMillion) said to me once... "God, Himself, is like raawwwrrrrr. His love is like whoa. His Eyes are like ahhhhhh and His Voice is like mmmmm."

Hebrews 12:2


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