My Journey With Candida - Letter to Papa
Abba I need you more than ever. I feel sad and scared because I feel stressed. Stress causes my body to get very sick and I don’t know how to heal my stress.
I confessed to Chris what was going on and he prayed for me. As he was doin that I realized I needed to let go of the things that were causing me stress. To give it all to you. To trust you.
So papa I give to you all my burdens that I have carried with me today. As well as the lies I have listened to today. That I’m not a good enough wife, provider or care giver. I have been trying to mark all the boxes off the list today, but this is not what is important.
What's important is my health and if I need to rest I should rest and not feel shame. Taking care of myself and my husband is the most importance of everyday. And my sweet, loving, endearing husband reminds me this everyday. He says...”your health is the most important. Your only job is take care of yourself.” And then I add in.. “and you!!”
I can do the contrast showers, the yoga, the diet and the rest. But dealing with my stress is hard. I know so much of it is yoked to you. I need to learn to rest in the secret place with you in the midst of my on going day. To know that I can run back into your arms and to give to you what is heavy on my heart.
So thank you for always being there for me. Patiently waiting, lovingly listening and always forgiving.
I love you Papa.
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