The Way Our Father See's Us
I was reading in one of my old journals and ran across a vision and a conversation I had with my God, it was so sweet to read again, and I had to share what the Father sees and we do not.
Feb. 22.12
Father holds his hand up and I hold mine against His. He said, "what do you see?" I said, "you're hand is big, mine is small." Then He replied,"No, what I see is that you're hand fits my hand like a glove." (then He smiles a very big smile)
"You are part of me Hannah. You have always been apart of me since that day in your mothers womb, when you're hands grew and your tiny fingers stretched. I put my hands over yours and I said, "I am well pleased." Since that moment you became life in your mother's womb you became a jewel in my sight, I always enjoyed watching you grow but now I stand back in awe and admire the women you grew into. I am so passionate about you Hannah. You give me such a delight and joy when you walk through that door. I'm in love with you Hannah. Yes, that's right, I'm IN love with you. I've fallen head over heals over you and I can't and won't stop loving you. When I see you, I smile. You're skin radiants with my light. You are worthy. You are like a sparrow, small, but mighty."
Feb. 22.12
Father holds his hand up and I hold mine against His. He said, "what do you see?" I said, "you're hand is big, mine is small." Then He replied,"No, what I see is that you're hand fits my hand like a glove." (then He smiles a very big smile)
"You are part of me Hannah. You have always been apart of me since that day in your mothers womb, when you're hands grew and your tiny fingers stretched. I put my hands over yours and I said, "I am well pleased." Since that moment you became life in your mother's womb you became a jewel in my sight, I always enjoyed watching you grow but now I stand back in awe and admire the women you grew into. I am so passionate about you Hannah. You give me such a delight and joy when you walk through that door. I'm in love with you Hannah. Yes, that's right, I'm IN love with you. I've fallen head over heals over you and I can't and won't stop loving you. When I see you, I smile. You're skin radiants with my light. You are worthy. You are like a sparrow, small, but mighty."
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