Im Loven My New Home

In less than 2 weeks I'm leaving for outreach and today it has finally hit me that I'm going to miss the YWAM base in Kona. I love this place so much, it really feels like home to me. Yea I say I miss home, but honestly I'm starting to really like this place. Ive never been in an environment were everyone is so very passionate for God. Where everyone doesn't judge you, but simply love you. God is everywhere on this campus, even on the island. I've gotten so close to the people who live on this island as well. I'm starting to feel like this is my new home. I know for my family back home, this will make you guys sad. But for me its so comforting to feel belonged here, instead of feeling restless.

So on that note, I'm going to miss Hawaii, but I'm SO excited for outreach. :) I can't wait to go and live in another dif. culture for 2 months. By the way, money has come in for me! I only need 400 more dollars to actually be able to go, but all  together I need 1,000 dollars more! So, as I always say, keep praying!

I would also like to say thank you so much, for everyone who has supported me, prayed for me, or just loved on me before and while my time here. You all have encouraged me so much, words cannot express it. Its so nice to know there are people in the world besides my legit family that really care about me.

And the most important one I want to Thank is Abba. If it wasn't for Him I wouldn't be here at YWAM, and I wouldn't be the person I am now. Thank you God so much for everything. You mean the world to me. <3


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